Copyright 2014, Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.
Materials: whatever recycled materials you and your kids can find! My son used the lids to old Play Doh containers, drinking straws, a bit of pipe-cleaner, a cork and a piece of cardboard. Be creative!
Step 1: Choose your materials and figure out how you will arrange the recycled materials to create the from of a bicycle.
Step 2: Glue the pieces to a piece of cardboard.
Step 3: Let it dry and then display!
Materials: coloured ribbon (we used shiny ribbon left over from Christmas but now that we are more zero waste and don't buy ribbon I'd used coloured twine), child safe scissors, a ail (optional) and a screw.
Step 1: Let your child choose the colour of streamers. My son wanted all the colours.
Step 2: Cut out 18 pieces of ribbon approximately 13 1/2 inches long.
Step 3: (Adult step as this was a little tricky) Pinch the end of one ribbon and then add another and another until you are tightly holding 9 lengths of cut ribbon in one hand. Then carefully keep them together and tie a knot in one end.
Step 4: Do the same with the other set of 9 ribbons.
Step 5: Check your child’s bike handles...there may already be a hole in the end (there was in my son’s). If there is no hole carefully poke a nail through the plastic to create one.
Step 6: (Adult step...again a bit tricky) Carefully poke the knot of one set of ribbons through the hold in the handlebar until it fits through. Do this with the other and voila you have homemade streamers!
NOTE: Stress the importance of wearing a helmet by making a simple art project of a decorated helmet.
Materials: A copy of my Bicycle Helmet Template, coloured paper, markers, child safe scissors.
Step 1: This craft can be done a number of ways. Have your child choose to either decorate the helmet as a colouring page or use it as a template to cut out and trace on paper.
Step 2: My Youngest coloured the helmet, cut it out and glued it to orange paper.
Step 3: My Eldest cut it out, traced it on blue paper and then glued it to green paper. He coloured in the strap black and cut out a strip of paper in a cream colour to decorate.
NOTE: My Eldest son created this craft idea one Mother’s Day when he wanted to send his Grandmother in Australia a card with a bike on it since she loves riding her bicycle. He used clip art for the bike but you could draw your own for smaller kids or have your child draw his/her own.
Materials: Coloured paper, markers, glue stick, brad or paper fastener.
Step 1: Have your child draw a bicycle or use some free clipart as my Eldest son did. He printed it on the computer and then cut it out.
Step 2: Cut out a circle from craft paper and have your child decorate it all around with grass and flowers. Using markers
Step 3: Cut out a long strip/rectangle with coloured paper that is approximately the length of half of the circle (just over) and glue the bike picture to the end. The bike should peek over the grass.
Step 4: Poke a hole through the bottom of the rectangle and the middle of the circle (adult step) and another piece of colour paper (on in my son’s case a paper card) and then feed the brad/ fastener through all three holes. Turn the paper over and spread the wings on the brad/fastener so that it stays in place.
Step 5: When the bike or the grass is turned it should look like the bike is moving!
Materials: A cork, black ink (or paint...we used an ink pad though), green and blue paper, markers.
Step 1: Cut out a hill from the green paper and have your child glue it to the blue paper.
Step 2: Have your child create a bike using the cork as a stamp to press on wheels. If you use paint you will have to wait for the paint to dry before proceeding to the next step.
Step 3: Have your child draw a bicycle onto the wheels and people on the bikes.
Step 4: Encourage your child to draw trees or buildings or other things one might see on a bike ride.