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Print out my  Reading Reward Chart and work towards a reward by reading to your young child (who cannot read) or having your older child read to you.  The level of your child’s reading will determine whether your child needs to read an entire book (good for younger readers who have shorter beginner reader books), an entire chapter (good for older readers who read books with no pictures), or go by time like twenty minutes (good for readers who are moving towards chapter books with pictures or good for when a parent has to read to a young child who cannot read yet).  After each book/chapter/20 minute reading session, have your child colour in a spot on the chart.  When every spot is coloured in give your child a reward like a trip to the bookstore to buy a new book.

Family Literacy Day

Learning Activities

Learn about your library:

There is so much to explore at a library.  Ask at the Information Desk and a friendly librarian is sure to take you for a tour. 

There are often online benefits from a library too.  Ask about those!

Some libraries have computers, some have fun stations for kids, some have programs for kids or families.  Ours has an awesome Summer Reading Game each July/August!

Visit your local library and find some books that you’d like to read together and individually or attend a Family Story Time at the library.

If your child is old enough and doesn’t have his/her own library card make that part of the library outing.


Canada’s Family Literacy Day is January 27 – Try this web site for more information:

For more on Canada's Family Literacy Day:

In the USA Family Literacy Day is Nov. 1st – Try this web site for more information:

Check here for some Family Literacy tips: