Copyright 2009. Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

The Colour Red

Print out theFamily Theme Day Planner and decide which activities you’d like to do.


Go through your crayons, markers, paints and construction/craft paper and remove all the red ones to use for this theme.

Set aside any red dishes (cups, plates, bowls, plastic spoons etc.) you may have that are red and use these for snacks, lunch, dinner etc..

Set aside red clothes for your child to wear that day (and yourself, too, if you’d like).


Even if it isn’t Christmas you can always dig out your Christmas CD’s and use the classic “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” – print out the lyrics from to sing along.

I couldn’t think of any other appropriate children’s songs but for fun you could download from your favourite music provider  the 80’s hit  “Red Red Wine” by UB 40 to dance around the living room.

Toddler and Pre-School Theme Days

Having colour theme days is a great way to introduce/teach/reinforce the colours to your toddler. 

When my youngest son was 2 ½ he showed no interest in learning his colours.  We read him a few books about colours and used his colour sorting toys but he still mixed them up.  Once we started these theme days he caught on quickly and started to proudly exclaim what colours he was wearing or what colours were on his toys without prompting.  He even named what Colour Day he wanted to do next.

My eldest son was a little jealous about his little brother getting special theme days so we started to wait until he got home from school to do the colour hunts.