Visit a local observatory, planetarium, or science museum that features exhibits about outer space.  


Photo: Rik Vanderkroon from

Science Fiction:

Many movies take place in outer space. If your older kids are particularily interested in this genre, check out this article recommended by Hailey from Colorado: Astronomy In Media: Discover Film and TV Shows Based on Space | Octane Seating




You can find many free colouring pages online by using your favourite search engine and typing in “stars," "planets," and "space" Colouring pages “or print out myRocket Colouring Page.

You could also print out my Large Star Template or the Many Stars Template and use them as colouring pages.

American Museum of Natural History in New York City

Photo: Microsoft Clipart


Search through your child’s DVD/ video collection (or visit your local library before hand) to find your child’s favourite shows about space.

There are so many space movies to watch as a family.  Here are a few:

Muppets from Space

Planet 51

Space Chimps


For non-fiction titles check your local library!


Other Activities: 

Copyright 2018, Family Theme Days. All rights reserved.

Q: Where do you park your car on another planet?

A: at a parking meteor


Q: What sort of star is dangerous?

A: A shooting star.

Q: What dishes are used in outer space?

 A: Flying saucers

Galaxy Play Dough:

Materials: 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1/4 cup salt, 1 1/2 tbsp cream of tartar, 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil, 1/4 cup boiling water, food colouring, (Optional) 15 to 20 drops of essential oils (like lavender or wild orange), (Optional) glitter. 

Step 1: Mix the flour and salt and cream of tartar in a bowl.

Step 2: Add vegetable oil and boiling water.

Step 3: Stir with a wooden spoon until cool enough to handle and then use your fingers to form together.

Step 3: Form into a ball and add food colouring and optional essential oil. (We used turns this beautiful purple ball into a anti-stress dough).

Step 4: Knead together to mix the colours.

Step 5:  Add more food colouring if required.

Step 6: (Optional) Add glitter to make it sparkly Galaxy Dough! 

Q: When do astronauts like to eat?

 A: Launch time

Q: How do you get a baby to fall asleep in outer space?

A: you rocket.


See if you can find a constellation chart from your library and bundle up one night as a family with chart in hand to see which constellations you can find.  Go to an open area with very little surrounding lights for the best viewing! If you have a telescope this would be a great Theme Day to use it!

Q: What chocolate bar do you eat in space?

 A: Mars Bar